Results for 'Edda G. Schulz'

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  1.  19
    Dosage Sensing, Threshold Responses, and Epigenetic Memory: A Systems Biology Perspective on Random X‐Chromosome Inactivation.Verena Mutzel & Edda G. Schulz - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (4):1900163.
    X‐chromosome inactivation ensures dosage compensation between the sexes in mammals by randomly choosing one out of the two X chromosomes in females for inactivation. This process imposes a plethora of questions: How do cells count their X chromosome number and ensure that exactly one stays active? How do they randomly choose one of two identical X chromosomes for inactivation? And how do they stably maintain this state of monoallelic expression? Here, different regulatory concepts and their plausibility are evaluated in the (...)
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    Concepts of a culturally guided philosophy of science: contributions from philosophy, medicine, and science of psychotherapy.Fengli Lan, Friedrich G. Wallner & Andreas Schulz (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The authors discuss concepts of health and disease in Chinese medicine, new interpretative techniques in psychotherapy, concepts of culture and the notion of risk, Brecht's and Wallner's Verfremdung and Wallner's Constructive Realism compared to Glasersfeld's Radical Constructivism. The book shows the rare situation of philosophy becoming concrete.
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  3. Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium.Maria Aloni, V. Kimmelman, Floris Roelofsen, G. Weidman Sassoon, Katrin Schulz & M. Westera (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
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    An Ethics of Significance.Leonard G. Schulze - 1985 - Substance 14 (2):87.
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  5. Metaphysik des Schwebens. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Aesthetik.Walter Schulz & G. Neske - 1990 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 95 (1):132-134.
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  6. Persistent bias in expert judgments about free will and moral responsibility: A test of the Expertise Defense.Eric Schulz, Edward T. Cokely & Adam Feltz - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1722-1731.
    Many philosophers appeal to intuitions to support some philosophical views. However, there is reason to be concerned about this practice as scientific evidence has documented systematic bias in philosophically relevant intuitions as a function of seemingly irrelevant features (e.g., personality). One popular defense used to insulate philosophers from these concerns holds that philosophical expertise eliminates the influence of these extraneous factors. Here, we test this assumption. We present data suggesting that verifiable philosophical expertise in the free will debate-as measured by (...)
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  7. List of Contents: Volume 13, Number 3, June 2000.Semi-Infinite Rectangular Barrier, K. Dechoum, L. de la Pena, E. Santos, A. Schulze, G. Esposito, C. Stornaiolo & P. K. Anastasovski - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (10).
  8.  33
    Fish Welfare – Between Regulations, Scientific Facts and Human Perception.Carsten Schulz, Lina Weirup & Henrike Seibel - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1):1-11.
    Farming of fish and other aquatic species has increased in recent decades and never before have there been more controversial debates on animal welfare in fish husbandry. The practices used and associated welfare issues are becoming increasingly focused on by scientists, consumers and policy makers. International and national organisations have issued recommendations and guidelines concerning fish welfare but there is still a lot of information lacking. Due to § 2 of the German animal protection law, animals must be adequately nourished, (...)
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  9. Molecular Interactions. On the Ambiguity of Ordinary Statements in Biomedical Literature.Stefan Schulz & Ludger Jansen - 2009 - Applied ontology (4):21-34.
    Statements about the behavior of biochemical entities (e.g., about the interaction between two proteins) abound in the literature on molecular biology and are increasingly becoming the targets of information extraction and text mining techniques. We show that an accurate analysis of the semantics of such statements reveals a number of ambiguities that have to be taken into account in the practice of biomedical ontology engineering: Such statements can not only be understood as event reporting statements, but also as ascriptions of (...)
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  10. Measurement of maternal and child mortality morbidity and health care: interdisciplinary approaches.J. Ties Boerma, S. Meyer, E. Schulze, K. M. Cleaver, G. A. Schreiber, J. A. Adetunji, G. Kaufmann, J. Cleland, E. Garrett & A. Wear - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (4):469-77.
  11. E. G. Schulz, Rehbergs Opposition gegen Kants Ethik. [REVIEW]J. S. Morgan - 1978 - Kant Studien 69 (1):114.
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  12.  78
    The impact of reporting magnetic resonance imaging incidental findings in the Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort.Rhian Touyz, Amy Subar, Ian Janssen, Bob Reid, Eldon Smith, Caroline Wong, Pierre Boyle, Jean Rouleau, F. Henriques, F. Marcotte, K. Bibeau, E. Larose, V. Thayalasuthan, A. Moody, F. Gao, S. Batool, C. Scott, S. E. Black, C. McCreary, E. Smith, M. Friedrich, K. Chan, J. Tu, H. Poiffaut, J. -C. Tardif, J. Hicks, D. Thompson, L. Parker, R. Miller, J. Lebel, H. Shah, D. Kelton, F. Ahmad, A. Dick, L. Reid, G. Paraga, S. Zafar, N. Konyer, R. de Souza, S. Anand, M. Noseworthy, G. Leung, A. Kripalani, R. Sekhon, A. Charlton, R. Frayne, V. de Jong, S. Lear, J. Leipsic, A. -S. Bourlaud, P. Poirier, E. Ramezani, K. Teo, D. Busseuil, S. Rangarajan, H. Whelan, J. Chu, N. Noisel, K. McDonald, N. Tusevljak, H. Truchon, D. Desai, Q. Ibrahim, K. Ramakrishnana, C. Ramasundarahettige, S. Bangdiwala, A. Casanova, L. Dyal, K. Schulze, M. Thomas, S. Nandakumar, B. -M. Knoppers, P. Broet, J. Vena, T. Dummer, P. Awadalla, Matthias G. Friedrich, Douglas S. Lee, Jean-Claude Tardif, Erika Kleiderman & Marcotte - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundIn the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) cohort, participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, heart, and abdomen, that generated incidental findings (IFs). The approach to managing these unexpected results remain a complex issue. Our objectives were to describe the CAHHM policy for the management of IFs, to understand the impact of disclosing IFs to healthy research participants, and to reflect on the ethical obligations of researchers in future MRI studies.MethodsBetween 2013 and 2019, 8252 participants (...)
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  13. Lmn-2 interacts with Elf-2. On the meaning of common statements in biomedical literature.Stefan Schulz & Ludger Jansen - 2006 - In Stefan Schulz & Ludger Jansen (eds.), Lmn-2 interacts with Elf-2. On the meaning of common statements in biomedical literature. MD. pp. 37-45.
    Statements about the behavior of biological entities, e.g. about the interaction between two proteins, abound in the literature on molecular biology and are increasingly becoming the targets of information extraction and text mining techniques. We show that an accurate analysis of the semantics of such statements reveals a number of ambiguities that is necessary to take into account in the practice of biomedical ontology engineering. Several concurring formalizations are proposed. Emphasis is laid on the discussion of biological dispositions.
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  14. The Principle of Totality and the Limits of Enhancement.Joshua Schulz - 2015 - Ethics and Medicine 31 (3):143-57.
    According to the Thomistic tradition, the Principle of Totality (TPoT) articulates a secondary principle of natural law which guides the exercise of human ownership or dominium over creation. In its general signification, TPoT is a principle of distributive justice determining the right ordering of wholes to their parts. In the medical field it is traditionally understood as entailing an absolute prohibition of bodily mutilation as irrational and immoral, and an imperfect obligation to use the parts of one’s body for the (...)
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    Generics and typicality: a bounded rationality approach.Robert van Rooij & Katrin Schulz - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 43 (1):83-117.
    Cimpian et al. observed that we accept generic statements of the form ‘Gs are f’ on relatively weak evidence, but that if we are unfamiliar with group G and we learn a generic statement about it, we still treat it inferentially in a much stronger way: all Gs are f. This paper makes use of notions like ‘representativeness’, ‘contingency’ and ‘relative difference’ from psychology to provide a uniform semantics of generics that explains why people accept generics based on weak evidence. (...)
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  16. Schulz, Das Bewusstseinsproblem.G. Schwaiger - 1915 - Kant Studien 20:334.
  17. Sein und Trinität: systematische Erörterungen zur Religionsphilosophie G.W.F. Hegels im ontologiegeschichtlichen Rückblick auf J. Duns Scotus und I. Kant und die Hegel-Rezeption in der Seinsauslegung und Trinitätstheologie bei W. Pannenberg, E. Jüngel, K. Rahner und H.U. v. Balthasar.Michael Schulz - 1997 - St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag.
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    On the Theory of Modal Concepts in G. W. Leibniz. [REVIEW]Dietrich J. Schulz - 1974 - Philosophy and History 7 (1):30-31.
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    Mitchell G. Ash 2023: Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft im Prozess der deutschen Vereinigung 1989–2002. Eine politische Wissenschaftsgeschichte, und Jens Blecher und Jürgen John (Hg.) 2021: Hochschulumbau Ost. Die Transformation des DDR-Hochschulwesens nach 1989/90 in typologisch-vergleichender Perspektive. [REVIEW]Aron Schulze - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (2):197-202.
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    Sein und Trinität: systematische Erörterungen zur Religionsphilosophie G.W.F. Hegels im ontologiegeschichtlichen Rückblick auf J. Duns Scotus und I. Kant und die Hegel-Rezeption in der Seinsauslegung und Trinitätstheologie bei W. Pannenberg, E. Jüngel, K. Rahner und H.U. v. Balthasar.Michael Schulz - 1997 - St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag.
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  21.  39
    Grains, Components and Mixtures in Biomedical Ontologies.Ludger Jansen & Schulz Stefan - 2011 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2 (4).
    BACKGROUND -/- In biomedical ontologies, mereological relations have always been subject to special interest due to their high relevance in structural descriptions of anatomical entities, cells, and biomolecules. This paper investigates two important subrelations of has_proper_part, viz. the relation has_grain, which relates a collective entity to its multiply occurring uniform parts (e.g., water molecules in a portion of water), and the relation has_component, which relates a compound to its constituents (e.g., molecules to the atoms they consist of). -/- METHOD -/- (...)
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  22.  9
    La presencia de G.W.F. Hegel en representantes de la filosofía latinoamericana (L. Zea, A. Roig, E. Dussel, I. Ellacuría). [REVIEW]Michael Schulz - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (3).
    RESUMENNo obstante de sus críticas de la potencialidad filosófica de América, intuiciones y argumentos de Hegel están presentes en los planteamientos de representantes importantes de la Filosofía latinoamericana, aunque siempre de una manera crítica. Conceptos claves del pensamiento de Zea, Roig, Dussel y Ellacuría – como «proyecto asuntivo», «sujeto empírico», «analéctica» y «respectividad» - indican al mismo tiempo el foco de sus discusiones con Hegel. Tal análisis permite la conclusión sorprendente de que Hegel ofrece elementos esenciales para el esbozo de (...)
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  23.  15
    Conformational flexibility of β‐arrestins – How these scaffolding proteins guide and transform the functionality of GPCRs.Raphael S. Haider, Mona Reichel, Edda S. F. Matthees & Carsten Hoffmann - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (8).
    G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest family of transmembrane proteins and play a crucial role in regulating diverse cellular functions. They transmit their signaling via binding to intracellular signal transducers and effectors, such as G proteins, GPCR kinases, and β‐arrestins. To influence specific GPCR signaling behaviors, β‐arrestins recruit effectors to form larger signaling complexes. Intriguingly, they facilitate divergent functions for the binding to different receptors. Recent studies relying on advanced structural approaches, novel biosensors and interactome analyses bring us closer (...)
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  24.  35
    SNOMED CT and Basic Formal Ontology – convergence or contradiction between standards? The case of “clinical finding”.Stefan Schulz, James T. Case, Peter Hendler, Daniel Karlsson, Michael Lawley, Ronald Cornet, Robert Hausam, Harold Solbrig, Karim Nashar, Catalina Martínez-Costa & Yongsheng Gao - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (3):207-237.
    Background: SNOMED CT is a large terminology system designed to represent all aspects of healthcare. Its current form and content result from decades of bottom-up evolution. Due to SNOMED CT’s formal descriptions, it can be considered an ontology. The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is a foundational ontology that proposes a small set of disjoint, hierarchically ordered classes, supported by relations and axioms. In contrast, as a typical top-down endeavor, BFO was designed as a foundational framework for domain ontologies in the (...)
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  25. Die apostolische Herkunft der Evangelien nach HJ Schulz.G. Schelbert - 1994 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 41 (3):532-541.
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    Anscombe's Intention: A Guide. [REVIEW]Benjamin Schulz - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (2):438-440.
    Anscombe's Intention: A Guide. By Schwenkler John.
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    Greece and Persia - Hermann Bengtson, Edda Bresciani, Werner Caskel, Maurice Meuleau, Morton Smith: The Greeks and the Persians. Pp. 486; 37 plates, 8 maps. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969. Cloth, 70 s.[REVIEW]N. G. L. Hammond - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):368-371.
  28.  9
    fl-IRT-ing with Psychometrics to Improve NLP Bias Measurement.Dominik Bachmann, Oskar van der Wal, Edita Chvojka, Willem H. Zuidema, Leendert van Maanen & Katrin Schulz - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):1-34.
    To prevent ordinary people from being harmed by natural language processing (NLP) technology, finding ways to measure the extent to which a language model is biased (e.g., regarding gender) has become an active area of research. One popular class of NLP bias measures are bias benchmark datasets—collections of test items that are meant to assess a language model’s preference for stereotypical versus non-stereotypical language. In this paper, we argue that such bias benchmarks should be assessed with models from the psychometric (...)
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  29.  33
    Anne Schulz, Essen und Trinken im Mittelalter (1000–1300): Literarische, kunsthistorische und archäologische Quellen.(Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 74.) Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2011. Pp. xviii, 810; 110 color and b&w figs. $238. ISBN: 9783110255157. [REVIEW]Robert G. Sullivan - 2013 - Speculum 88 (2):578-579.
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    Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures—A Discussion Paper.Andreas Lösch, Knud Böhle, Christopher Coenen, Paulina Dobroc, Reinhard Heil, Armin Grunwald, Dirk Scheer, Christoph Schneider, Arianna Ferrari, Dirk Hommrich, Martin Sand, Stefan C. Aykut, Sascha Dickel, Daniela Fuchs, Karen Kastenhofer, Helge Torgersen, Bruno Gransche, Alexandra Hausstein, Kornelia Konrad, Alfred Nordmann, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Alexander Wentland - 2019 - In Andreas Lösch, Armin Grunwald, Martin Meister & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (eds.), Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 285-308.
    Problem: Visions of technology, future scenarios, guiding visions represent imaginations of future states of affairs that play a functional role in processes of technological research, development and innovation—e.g. as a means to create attention, communication, coordination, or for the strategic exertion of influence. Since a couple of years there is a growing attention for such imaginations of futures in politics, the economy, research and the civil society. This trend concerns technology assessment as an observer of these processes and a consultant (...)
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  31.  62
    G. E. Schulzes »Aenesidemus«.Bernward Gesang - 2009 - Fichte-Studien 33:17-30.
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    Schulze's Scepticism and the Rise and Rise of German Idealism.Robb Dunphy - 2024 - In Robb Dunphy & Toby Lovat (eds.), Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 226-250.
    In this chapter, Robb Dunphy is concerned with the nature of G.E. Schulze's scepticism as he presents it in his 1792 work Aenesidemus, and with its relation to the metaphysical projects of Kant, Reinhold, and later German Idealists. After introducing Schulze's text, Dunphy turns to a recent interpretation offered by Jessica Berry, who claims that the extent to which Schulze endorsed a genuinely Pyrrhonian Scepticism has gone unacknowledged, both by his idealist contemporaries and by the majority of the secondary literature (...)
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  33.  40
    Social Peace.G. Von Schulze-Gaevernitz.Benjamin Kidd - 1894 - International Journal of Ethics 4 (4):530-530.
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    Il confronto con G. E. Schulze nella critica di Schopenhauer alla morale kantiana.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 535-546.
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  35. (2 other versions)Fischer, Von G. E. Schulze zu A. Schopenhauer.R. Falckenberg - 1902 - Kant Studien 7:371.
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  36. "Hinweise auf": D. M. Armstrong, Berkeley's theory of vision; R. Bäumlin, Staat, Recht und Geschichte; G. Bauer, Geschichtlichkeit; D. Baumgardt, Great Western Mystics; W. Bröcker, Formale, transzendentale und spekulative Logik; L. J. Cohen, The diversity of meaning; Einsichten ; J. G. Fichte, Grundlage des Naturrechts; W. Flach, Zur Prinzipienlehre der Anschauung; P. W. Hanke, Kunst und Geist; H. Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophiegeschichte; History of political philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss; H. Kantorowicz, Rechtswissenschaft und Soziologie; F. Kümmel, Über den Begriff der Zeit; Logik und Logikkalkül; G. Martin, Gesammelte Abhandlungen I; H. Meyer, Systematische Philosophie; Th. Meyer, Platons Apologie; G. H. Müller, Das philosophische Werk Franz Kröners; J. Passmore, Philosophical Reasoning; H. Rombach, Die Gegenwart der Philosophie; U. Rusker, Nietzsche in der Hispania; W. Schulz, Das Problem der absoluten Reflexion. [REVIEW]Oskar Becker - 1963 - Philosophische Rundschau 11:305-311.
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  37. Matteo Vincenzo d’Alfonso: Schopenhauers Kollegnachschriften der Metaphysik- und Psychologievorlesungen G. E. Schulzes (Göttingen 1810–11). [REVIEW]Nele Schneidereit - 2012 - Fichte-Studien 40:347-360.
  38.  25
    J. G. Fichte's Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings, 1794–95 by J. G. Fichte.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):334-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:J. G. Fichte's Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings, 1794–95 by J. G. FichteIsabelle Thomas-FogielJ. G. Fichte. J. G. Fichte's Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings, 1794–95. Edited and translated by Daniel Breazeale. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 608. Hardback, $145.00.This edition of texts written or taught by Fichte between February 1794 and the winter of 1794–95 is a major editorial event and (...)
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  39. The Three Basic Principles (drei Grundsätze).Steven Hoeltzel - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova (ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Fichte. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 327-35.
    Part One of Fichte’s 1794/95 Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre sets forth three basic principles (Grundsätze) as the founding claims of a ‘theory of science’ that should continue and consolidate Kant’s work by vindicating and integrating the theoretical and practical essentials of the Critical philosophy. These principles (my translations) are: (1) “The I originally absolutely posits its own being.” (2) “A not-I is absolutely opposed to the I”; ergo, “opposition in general is absolutely posited by the I.” (3) “In the (...)
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  40. (3 other versions)Aenesidemus: Fourth Letter.Robb Dunphy - manuscript
    This is a draft translation of the fourth letter of G.E. Schulze's Aenesidemus. Comments and corrections welcome.
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    The First Principle of Philosophy in Fichte’s 1794 Aenesidemus Review.Elise Frketich - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:59-76.
    In Aenesidemus, G.E. Schulze adopts the skeptical voice of Aenesidemus and engages in critical dialogue with Hermias, a Kantian, in the hopes of laying bare what he views as the fundamental issues of K.L. Reinhold’s version of critical philosophy. While some attacks reveal a deep misunderstanding of Reinhold’s Elementarphilosophie on Schulze’s part, others hit their mark. In the Aenesidemus Review (1794), J.G. Fichte at times agrees with criticisms raised by Aenesidemus and at times defends Reinhold against them. On Fichte’s view, (...)
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    Schopenhauer.Robert Rethy - 1998 - In Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.), A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 139–152.
    Arthur Schopenhauer (born 1788 in Danzig, died 1860 in Frankfurt am Main), was the son of Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer, a wealthy merchant, and Johanna Trosiener, who was later to become a well‐known member of Goethe's circle in Weimar and, subsequently, a popular novelist whose collected works, published in 1831, filled twenty‐four volumes. The death of his father (a probable suicide) in 1805 led to the future philosopher's ultimate abandonment of the plan that he should enter business. After further study, he (...)
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    Conditionals, Causality and Conditional Probability.Robert van Rooij & Katrin Schulz - 2018 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (1):55-71.
    The appropriateness, or acceptability, of a conditional does not just ‘go with’ the corresponding conditional probability. A condition of dependence is required as well. In this paper a particular notion of dependence is proposed. It is shown that under both a forward causal and a backward evidential reading of the conditional, this appropriateness condition reduces to conditional probability under some natural circumstances. Because this is in particular the case for the so-called diagnostic reading of the conditional, this analysis might help (...)
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    “Your risk is low, because …”: argument-driven online genetic counselling.Uwe Hartung, Sara Rubinelli & Peter J. Schulz - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (3):199-214.
    Advances in genetic research have created the need to inform consumers. Yet, the communication of hereditary risk and of the options for how to deal with it is a difficult task. Due to the abstract nature of genetics, people tend to overestimate or underestimate their risk. This paper addresses the issue of how to communicate risk information on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer through an online application. The core of the paper illustrates the design of OPERA, a risk assessment instrument (...)
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    Exhaustive interpretation of complex sentences.Robert van Rooij & Katrin Schulz - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (4):491-519.
    In terms of Groenendijk and Stokhofs (1984) formalization of exhaustive interpretation, many conversational implicatures can be accounted for. In this paper we justify and generalize this approach. Our justification proceeds by relating their account via Halpern and Moses (1984) non-monotonic theory of only knowing to the Gricean maxims of Quality and the first sub-maxim of Quantity. The approach of Groenendijk and Stokhof (1984) is generalized such that it can also account for implicatures that are triggered in subclauses not entailed by (...)
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  46. The educational theory of J-G. Fichte.G. Turnbull - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (4):6-7.
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    Schellings Philosophie der Freiheit: Festschrift d. Stadt Leonberg zum 200. Geburtstag d. Philosophen.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (ed.) - 1977 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    Schieche, W. Daten zum Leben von Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.--Schulz, W. Freiheit und Geschichte in Schellings Philosophie.--Jacobs, W. G. Schellings Anfänge zwischen Orthodoxie und Revolution.--Benz, E. Schellings schwäbische Geistesahnen.
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  48. The Paradox of Kant’s Transcendental Subject in German Philosophy in the Late Eighteenth Century.Marharyta Rouba - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (2):7-25.
    The study of the “first wave” of reactions to the Critique of Pure Reason in Germany from the second half of the 1780s until the beginning of the nineteenth century reveals the paradoxical status of the Kantian transcendental subject. While the existence of the transcendental subject, whatever the term means, is not open to question since it arises from the very essence of critical philosophy, the fundamental status of the subject is sometimes questioned in this period. Although the meaning of (...)
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    Kant und das Problem des metaphysischen Idealismus (review).Konstantin Pollok - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):175-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant und das Problem des metaphysischen Idealismusby Dietmar H. HeidemannKonstantin PollokDietmar H. Heidemann. Kant und das Problem des metaphysischen Idealismus. Kantstudien Ergänzungshefte 131, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1998. Pp. 268. Cloth, DM 158.00.Immanuel Kant’s critical philosophy was controversial from the very beginning. His refutations of idealism played an important part in these debates. Dietmar H. Heidemann’s book on the problem of idealism is an attempt to (...)
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  50. Normative Error Theory and No Self-Defeat: A Reply to Case.Mustafa Khuramy & Erik Schulz - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (1):135-140.
    Many philosophers have claimed that normative error theorists are committed to the claim ‘Error theory is true, but I have no reason to believe it’, which to some appears paradoxical. Case (2019) has claimed that the normative error theorist cannot avoid this paradox. In this paper, we argue that there is no paradox in the first place, that is once we clear up the ambiguity of the word ‘reason’, both on the error theorist’s side and those that claim that there (...)
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